ATTENTION: Only 10 8 6 5 3 2 1 Done For YOU Affiliate Website Package Still Available At A 30% Discount For The Last Time In 2024

30% Discount Offer ENDS In:


Let Me Create A High Converting Affiliate Website For You

Due to demand, this offer won't be available for long. So don't miss out!

From the desk of: Dean James,

To help you build your own affiliate empire, I've decided to offer a huge 30% DISCOUNT off my Done For You Affiliate Website service. This affiliate website is in the health niche and will be centered around one or more (depending on which site package you choose) of the TOP SELLING weight loss products on Clickbank that is in demand and selling like hotcakes.

What's more, the site I will be creating for you is set up in such a way that it generates commissions on AUTOPILOT for you with pages that rapidly rank for FREE on major search engines based on a location of your choice.

I've created and sold many affiliate websites, so you can be rest assured the site you will receive will be first rate 🙂

Here's what I will do for you when you place your order:

  • Create an affiliate site based around a high converting product(s) in the health niche
  • Set up all the local pages with unique content so they rank
  • Full Wordpress Setup with high converting pages
  • Create a sitemap and submit to Google for fast indexing
  • Install all necessary plugins so your affiliate site is fully functional

I'll take all the guesswork and effort out of creating your affiliate website and set it up with high converting pages based around a location of your choice so your site gets free traffic and generates a great hands-free profit over time!

Limited Bonus: Free Social Bookmarking Links (Available)

Depending on the affiliate site option you choose, I'll also get you 50 (Option 1) or 100 (Option 2) drip-fed social bookmarking links to your site for increased site indexing and search engine trust factors. You won't have to lift a finger because I'll personally take care of this for you as a special bonus.

Choose From The Following 2 Custom Affiliate Site Package Options

Affiliate Site: Option 1

Done For You Site Based Around: 1 x Best Selling Product

  • Custom Affiliate Site In The Health Niche With High Converting Pages!
  • Based On A Location Of Your Choice
  • Centered Around One Top Selling Weight Loss Product!
  • Wordpress Site With All Necessary Plugins Installed
  • Unique Content Optimized To Rank & Convert!
  • 50 Free Social Bookmarking Links To Your Site
  • Sitemap Submission For Fast Indexing

You can secure your spot right now to make

sure you don't miss this offer.

Simply use the button below. It's a ONE TIME payment

of just $277 $197

Affiliate Site: Option 2

Done For You Site Based Around: 4 x Top Selling Products

(More Content + More Products = Greater PROFIT Potential)

  • Custom Affiliate Site In The Health Niche With High Converting Pages!
  • Based On A Location Of Your Choice
  • Centered Around Four Top Selling Health Products Including The Weight Loss Product In Option 1!
  • Wordpress Site With All Necessary Plugins Installed
  • Unique Content Optimized To Rank & Convert!
  • 100 Free Social Bookmarking Links To Your Site
  • Sitemap Submission For Fast Indexing

You can secure your spot right now to make

sure you don't miss this offer.

Simply use the button below. It's a ONE TIME payment

of just $347 $247

Full instructions are provided as soon as you complete the checkout

and any problems just contact me here -

30% Discount Offer ENDS In:


What REAL Customers Are Saying...

Feedback From Customer - Philip B

"Hey Dean, Thank you for the excellent job you did building my website. I’m very

impressed and it didn’t take you long either. I’m Super Happy for sure !!" ~ Philip B

Feedback From Customer - Andres E

"Awesome, thank you so much! Everything looks great! Well organized." ~ Andres E

Feedback From Customer - Camille A

"Dean James created a great Clickbank website for me. It looks good and it has a lot of

detailed information in it. He's also very helpful." ~ Camille A

Feedback From Customer - Peter W

"Thanks for setting everything up as promised. I have to say the website looks fabulous and has

lots of great content. I'm sure this is going to bring in plenty of sales, which is the important part!

Thanks again." ~ Peter W

Frequently Asked Questions:

What happens when I order?

A – You will be redirected to a page with all the details. If anything goes wrong, just email me

How long will my site take to be built?

A - All orders will be completed in the order they came in. I aim to complete all orders within 7 days but most will be sooner.

Do I have to buy a domain name and hosting?

A - Yes. To save the hassle of transferring a domain name, it is easier if you buy it yourself.

Also, just a regular hosting account is required. We will discuss this fully once you have ordered. Alternatively I can offer you full hosting of your affiliate website for $10 a month or $97 (SAVE over 20%) a year.

Do you put my affiliate links on the site?

Yes, I will create your website with your affiliate links already setup so you'll be good to go. You'll just need to create an affiliate account with the marketplace if you don't have one already.

Again full instructions will be provided on getting your affiliate links once you've ordered.

What's The Difference Between The 1 Product & 4 Product Affiliate Website Package?

A - The 1 product affiliate website package is created around and focused on one best selling weight loss product in the health niche. The 4 product affiliate website package is created around 4 top selling products in this niche with more content and more opportunities for profit as your website will be promoting multiple products.

Do you show me how to do SEO on the site?

No this will not be necessary as I'm going to create all the content for you for this site. It's your site so you can add more posts/content after it's completed if you wish but it's not a requirement.

Do I need to drive traffic to get sales?

A - No you don't have to drive traffic in order to get affiliate sales with your website. I set these up so they rank organically which means free traffic from the search engines. Think low hanging fruit! If you want to drive more traffic to them that is up to you but that is not what these sites are all about.

Can I see a working example site?

No. Sorry but in order to minimise any potential competition and maximise your success as a paying client, I am only creating sites and sharing what I have created with customers that have paid for one or more sites to be built. My priority is in giving my customers a competitive edge not sharing everything with the world for free. I hope you understand.

Will I fully own the site?

Yes. The site will be 100% yours and you will keep all affiliate commissions and pocket all the money if you sell the site.

Are there any refunds?

No. As this is a done for you service that involves hours of my time and paying for content, no refunds therefore can be offered.

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